Here are the major actions taken by the Board at the meeting:
- Received an unqualified opinion from its auditor and accepted the audit for fiscal year ending 3/31/19. Audit will be posted to the website as soon as it is finalized.
- Received a tax rate recommendation from its financial advisor ($0.57—same rate as last year). The average residential homestead’s appraised value decreased 1.4% from last year.
- Discussed the bond market and whether it should issue $1.5 million bond previously approved to reimburse developer for construction of infrastructure.
- Reviewed recent construction progress.
- Authorized engineer to obtain price for lab testing of the spoil to determine whether it is usable for fill in the neighborhood.
- Authorized dredging of the south channel and replacement of channel markers in the main channel.
- Discussed changing its policy on repairs of bulkhead caps now that it is using the Titan X-series for bulkhead caps.
- Discussed state law regarding District’s ability to enter private land to make inspections, do work on its facilities.
Excerpts from draft minutes—not approved by the Board