Here are the major actions taken by the Board at the meeting:
- Proposed a 2019 tax rate of $0.57—same rate as last year. There will be a public hearing on the proposed tax rate at 10 a.m. on Monday, October 7, 2019.
- Discussed the bond market and authorized the consultants to prepare updated documents for a $1.5 million bond issue to reimburse the developer for construction of infrastructure.
- Reviewed construction progress. Dredging and Hurricane Harvey repair projects are substantially complete. Authorized a post dredging survey of the main channel.
- Discussed future projects and authorized the engineer to set up a meeting with the project team at the Army Corps of Engineers.
- Reviewed its Regulations on Bulkheads and Canals and decided no changes were necessary.
- Changed the official location for posting of District notices to the guard shack at the entrance of Harborwalk.
- Discussed roll-out of new District website.
Excerpts from draft minutes—not approved by the Board